Vnd Trillion-Projects Of Wind Power Farm
09/24/2020 Vnd Trillion-Projects Of Wind Power Farm

If nothing changes, the B&T wind farm cluster project, invested by B&T Wind Power Joint Stock Company in Quang Binh, is expected to kick off before October 10th, 2020.

Ninh Thuan To Implement Water-By-Wind Demonstration Project
09/18/2020 Ninh Thuan To Implement Water-By-Wind Demonstration Project

The “water-by-wind demonstration” using official development assistance from the Belgian government in the central province of Ninh Thuan will contribute to dealing with the water shortages for agricultural production and the daily lives of locals caused by saltwater intrusion in the South Cental Coast.

10 Simplest Things To Inspire People
09/15/2020 10 Simplest Things To Inspire People

Inspiring and creating positive influences on people around you, in your community and society is something anyone wants.  Let's start with the simple and friendly ways that each of us can do to be able to create positive influences on others.

Five Imperatives For The New Normal
09/11/2020 Five Imperatives For The New Normal

According to a survey in the publication "The SEA CFO Agenda" by Deloitte with CFOs from a variety of industries across Southeast Asia (SEA CFO) in Q.2 2020, the SEA CFOs have made the conclusions about 5 imperatives for the new normal

Keep Calm And Sort It Out!
08/31/2020 Keep Calm And Sort It Out!

“In life, more often than not, things don’t go according to plans”. Therefore, the spirit of being willing to accept challenges and accept changes in a strong and positive person has become a factor that is always appreciated in any organization.

Policy For Electricity Development In Myanmar And Chances For Vietnamese Investors
08/28/2020 Policy For Electricity Development In Myanmar And Chances For Vietnamese Investors

Compared to ASEAN countries, Myanmar is still a country with the low percentage of population accessing reliable and affordable grid electricity, even in many places throughout the country electricity is unstable. Facing the urgent demand, the country’s Government has actively called for investment into electricity energy projects from the international investors. This may be the opportunity for Vietnamese enterprises to research the possibility of participating in bidding packages, as well as investing in power development.